90% of students at Genius Plus see an improvement in their grades within a year of joining our programme

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Inconsistent performance in school exams?

We’ve seen more than 600 parents (and their children!) for consults over the last 3 years & we’ve found that there are some common recurring themes that come up during these consults.

Common Struggles

When we go through the examination scripts of many children and run through the questions again with them to understand their thought processes in answering the questions - one key problem in not being able to answer the question stems from a lack of understanding of the question requirements. This can come from a lack of exposure to different types of exam questions - they thus lack the techniques to properly dissect questions.

Many students also come to us at P5 level - often scoring an AL6 or AL7. When we do an assessment of the issues they face - we find that there are a lot of gaps in foundational concepts learnt throughout P1 to P5. And these gaps can cause an “Error-carry-forward” problem since Mathematics is a subject where your mastery of the next topic can build on the foundation set in a previous topic.

Parents also share with us that “Mathematics” is a subject that they sideline in favour of the “languages” in the early years as they feel that mastery of English & Mother Tongue can be more challenging.


Many parents shared with us that they’ve sidelined Mathematics as a subject, in favour of the languages because there’s more complexity to languages and there is a perception that the languages are more important to build a foundation for as compared to Mathematics. Internal school examinations can and are useful in highlighting what are the weaknesses and concept gaps of the student - but as examinations are being reduced / removed, there are lesser of such touch points. Parents may also try to teach their child, but use methods that are inconsistent with what is taught in school and this may sometimes confuse the child when it comes to the identification of appropriate methods to address the questions.

From AL5 to AL1 in 1 year

Hong, Parent of P6 child who went from AL5 in P6 SA1 to AL1 at the PSLE (see testimonial below)

When my girl got her AL5 in her P6 SA1 math exam, I got really worried, not sure where to go for help. I surfed online all night trying to find the best math tuition in Singapore but just got more confused. It was finally this simple website “Genius Plus Academy” that caught my eye - very energetic and friendly looking young tutors appearing to be knowledgeable and helpful!

I quickly registered my interest and received a message and a call the very next morning. Ms Eileen, one of the founders thoroughly introduced the program and scheduled a personal one on one complimentary diagnostic session with my girl for her SA1 exam. Her responsibility and sincerity was very impressive. In the diagnostic session, she was analytical, professional, and accurately pointed out my girl’s weak area and provided the tips and plans for her to improve in these areas. Without hesitation, we registered Ms Eileen’s class. And as just expected, she had been a patient, responsible, approachable listener and a great educator.

To emphasize, she has obtained her masters degree from NIE in education. We could really tell her qualifications with the professionalism in her clarity of explanations to students and personalized teaching for every child. After her 7pm class on Fridays, she can often be found to take overtime clearing students’ doubts. With her dedicated teaching, guidance in a little over 2 months, and with Genius Plus Academy’s holiday booster camp, my girl had improved her prelim in math to AL3 and eventually to AL1 in PSLE which has been known as one of the toughest math exams among past years.

We cannot thank Ms Eileen enough for her devotion to help her students to strive for the better. Highly recommend Ms Eileen as well as Genius Plus Academy to be your first choice of math tuition!

Hong, Parent of GPA student (AL5 in P6 SA1 to AL1 at the PSLE)

Mathematics at Genius+ Academy

  • Top-notch curriculum + you receive exclusive proprietary in-house textbooks & workbooks

    Our curriculum is designed by Mrs Eileen Toh (M.Ed, NIE) who was a former MOE school teacher. Each week’s lesson from the first day in P1 to the last lesson before the PSLE examination is carefully planned & designed to ensure that every single concept, problem sum type, skills required are part of what is taught in our MOE-aligned curriculum. Students also receive a Geniusbook every Term - our very own in-house textbook. Our in-house curriculum team has designed and published more than 60 textbooks & workbooks to-date.

  • Be taught by top tutors who were also former school teachers & top students at National Examinations

    All GPA students will be taught by competent & skilled tutors. Our tutoring team is helmed by our co-founders Mrs Eileen Toh & Mr JY Wong who are also Principal Tutors taking classes across our centres. Mrs Eileen Toh also holds a Masters degree in Education from NIE while Mr JY Wong & Ms Arina were also top students of the cohort in National school examinations like the PSLE & O Levels.

  • Class size of 6 = Extra attention when your child needs it

    Our classes at Coronation Plaza / Upper Thomson are capped at 6 students per class. This means that your child will have the attention he/she needs when having problems tackling any specific question.

    GPA students are also issued topical workbooks & extra customised homework will be given to students who may struggle with specific topics. We also hold PTCs twice a year to update parents on their child’s progress.

Book a Consult with our Founders

  • Mrs Eileen Toh

    M.Ed, NIE
    B.A. (Hons) Education, NIE
    Former School Teacher
    Featured on CNA, Ch5, Ch8,
    TheAsianParent, AsiaOne, Zaobao,
    singaporemotherhood & UOB website

  • Mr JY Wong

    Former School Teacher
    Top PSLE (271) & ‘O’ Level (7A’S) Scorer
    Gold & Silver Medals - Singapore Math Olympiad

Book a complimentary consult with Mrs Eileen Toh & Mr JY Wong

Diagnostic Consults are typically charged at $180 per session (1 hour) during regular term.
During the year end pre-registration season from Mid November to End December, Mrs Eileen Toh & Mr JY Wong will each hold 5 complimentary consults weekly -
so book early to secure your complimentary consult slot!

  1. Simply fill up the form below to book a diagnostic consult

  2. We will follow up within 2 days to schedule a diagnostic consult with you (your child can also come along for the consult)

  3. The consult can be done on Zoom or at Coronation Plaza (consults at Punggol is also available by Ms Arina)

  4. You can either provide us with a copy of your child’s latest assessments / work or we can also provide a diagnostic worksheet for your child to attempt.

  5. We will then go through the strengths, gaps & weaknesses during the consult session & recommend steps on how to help your child make progressive improvements